How much could you be saving in occupancy costs in the PA KOZ?
See what can be achieved with the Interactive Incentives calculator
Keystone Trade Center is located in a designated Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ), with taxes eligible to be waived through 12/31/2034. Through credits, waiver and broad-based tax abatements, total taxes on economic activity in zones are significantly reduced.
These benefits affect the following taxes:
Corporate Net Income tax
Personal Income tax
Sales and Use tax (purchases consumed and used by the qualified business in the zone)
Mutual Thrift Institution tax
Bank and Trust Company Shares tax
Earned Income/Net Profits tax
Business Gross Receipts, Business Occupancy, Business Privilege and Mercantile tax
Sales and Use tax (county/city; purchases exclusively used and consumed by the qualified business in the zone)
Property tax PILOT through 2034 - Taxes Fixed at $0.25 PSF
Sample Incentives Calculation

Metro GMP